Jeanet Maduro de Polanco on Descartes and Philosophy

Jeanet Maduro de Polanco
2 min readNov 16, 2021


René Descartes was a French polymath who introduced startling new ontology, epistemology, mathematics, and science concepts.

He flourished from 1596 to 1650 and is considered one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers. He is arguably the most well-known philosopher in history for a vast number of reasons.

Here is an overview of some of the things he is best remembered for.

Contributions to Ontology

Ontology is the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as existence, reality, and knowledge. It has been described as “the philosophical study of the nature of being, existence or reality.”

René Descartes had high regard for the human mind and the ability to reason. He is especially well-known for questioning his own existence and remembered for his philosophical statement “cogito, ergo sum,” which means “I think, therefore I am.”

Contributions to Epistemology

He made a significant contribution to the evolution of epistemology, which is the philosophical pursuit to explore the nature of knowledge. Epistemology is primarily concerned with questions about what can be known, how we may know it, and what form the process of knowing takes. His writings on the mind-body problem, metaphysics, and epistemology constitute some of the most outstanding philosophical achievements of all time.

Contributions to Mathematics

As a mathematician, he invented analytical geometry, paving the way for modern mathematics. He discovered the Cartesian coordinate system, which helped to modernize geometry and algebra.

Contributions to Science

René Descartes is also remembered for his contributions to the scientific method. He was one of the first in the field to use systematic experimentation and mathematical reasoning in studying physical phenomena.

A Champion of Reason in an Age of Faith

René Descartes was one of the most influential thinkers of the 17th century because he had a strong belief in reason and intellectual reasoning, which he applied to all aspects of life. This was considered revolutionary in an age when the Roman Catholic Church still had the power to condemn the works of intellectual giants like Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei.

The period in which Descartes lived was a time of great skepticism. The influence of the Catholic Church, the rise of Protestantism, and the rise of natural philosophy all contributed to a culture that questioned many things previously taken for granted.

Jeanet Maduro de Polanco is a history academic and aspiring historical nonfiction writer. Jeanet Maduro de Polanco possesses a dual Bachelor’s in History and the Classics.

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Jeanet Maduro de Polanco

Jeanet Maduro de Polanco is an Italian historian and author with a deep passion for history and historical non-fiction. Read more at